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Solar FAQ

Solar FAQ

Do you have questions about solar?

Our solar professionals will answer any questions you may have about solar.

Yes, but it can be done pretty easily. At Rivertown Energy, if you answer yes to the three following questions, chances are you are an excellent candidate to go solar:

  1. Do you own your home?
  2. do you have a mostly unshaded roof?
  3. Is your electricity bill more than $100 per month?

Today, solar costs less than traditional electricity in many markets, specially in New York State. We offer a range of financing options which make going solar simple and affordable.

Our solar panels capture the sun’s energy, convert it into electricity. The electricity generated, called Direct Current (DC) is channeled through wire to an Inverter that converts the direct current into Alternative Current (AC) to power your home.

Solar power inverter is a part of solar electrical systems that helps convert the sun’s energy into usable power. The solar panels on homes and businesses are made up of small groups of semiconductors that react to sunlight by freeing electrons. But while those free electrons can travel through an electrical circuit, they cannot be used to power most appliances until they have passed through a solar inverter. The photovoltaic (PV) cells in solar electrical systems convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter converts that DC voltage into the alternating current (AC) electricity that people can use to meet some or all of their energy needs.

The reason solar inverter is necessary is because DC and AC power work differently. In DC power systems, an electrical current only flows in one direction. In AC power systems, the current moves in both directions. While some appliances that require electricity can use either AC or DC power, the power grid in the US uses AC power. Therefore, almost everything we use every day runs on AC power, directly or through a converter.

A solar panel typically lasts approximately 30 years. During that time, most systems require little to no maintenance beyond removing leaves or snow and hosing off debris. In general, the life of solar panels depends on the quality of the solar panel technology used, including the photovoltaics (PV), and the quality of the overall installation.

Annually, solar panels lose close to half a percent in overall performance. After 25 years of operation, high-quality solar panels will still be operating at almost 90 percent efficiency. The modules we install on homes and businesses are efficient, lightweight and aesthetically pleasing. More importantly, they are cost effective and extremely efficient.

Rivertown Energy will design a solar energy system that maximizes your system production. Our energy consultant will work with you to decide how much energy you are using and map the solar installation to meet those needs and help you save on your electricity bill.

A typical residential system installation takes one day. Depending on the size of your system and the roof structure, the installation can take more than one day.

Solar will positively impact the sale value of your home. In fact, a study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has found that houses with a solar system sold faster than the ones without it.

Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. For instance, if a residential customer has a PV system, it may generate more electricity than the home uses during daylight hours. If the home is net-metered, the electricity meter will run backwards to provide a credit against what electricity is consumed at night or other periods where the home’s electricity use exceeds the system’s output. Customers are only billed for their “net” energy use. Exported solar electricity serves nearby utility customers.

We make solar easy

RIVERTOWN ENERGY works on your behalf to make your solar process faster and seamless.

Our Installations

At RIVERTOWN ENERGY, our solar installations are provided by NABCEP certified professionals.

Our Services

We offer affordable solar energy services through an exceptional customer service.

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